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The Parts Wanted page is provided free of charge as a service to individuals within the TR7 & TR8 enthusiast community.  You do not need to be a member to place an ad, however ads are limited to individuals only. TWOA is not responsible for the content or accuracy of listings posted, therefore as always, buyer and seller beware.  To place an advertisement send an email to the webmaster at AdRequest@triumphwedgeowners.org with the information and photos.

Ads will be posted for 60 days, and can always be renewed after expiration.

IMPORTANT: By placing an advertisement, you attest that you created (or have permission from the creator to use) the image(s) that accompany your ad. TWOA may, at its sole discretion, and without any prior notification, remove any advertisement for any reason.

  • Never wire funds (e.g. Western Union) – Anyone who asks you to is a scammer.
  • Don’t accept cashier/certified checks or money orders – Banks cash fakes, then hold you responsible.
  • Transactions are between users only – No third party provides a “guarantee”.
  • Never give out financial info – Bank account, Social Security Number, PayPal account, etc..
  • Do not purchase sight-unseen – That amazing “deal” may not exist.

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