Service Tools
If you're going to fix it you've got to have the right tools for the job, right?
Actually, the majority of maintenance and repairs on the Wedge can be handled with the tools most shade tree mechanics have in their toolbox. This section covers some of the specialty tools used in dealers' service departments. While it would be fun to get a hold of some of these original items (you see them from time to time on the auction sites), there are alternatives today that can do the job. Some of them can be found on the TWOA Tools Rental page - sorry, a shameless plug...
NOTE - The TR7 and TR8 were built at a time when manufacturers were starting to migrate to the metric system, so you will need a combination of standard (e.g. 3/8", 7/16") and metric (e.g. 10mm, 13mm) spanners and sockets. Most of the engine items are standard with the rest of the car being metric, but that isn't always a hard and fast rule. For example, 4-speed gearboxes are standard, while the 5 speed is metric. If you're not sure the Torque Wrench Settings section of the factory Repair Operations Manuals (ROM) specifies the type used for most of the fasteners. Also, all of those screws that look like they have a Phillips head are really PoziDriv. A Phillips screwdriver will fit, but you risk stripping out the screw head.
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